Osaki Hachimangu’s Dontosai- the Sendai’s New Year Festival of fire /大崎八幡宮松焚祭(どんと祭) – 仙台の御神火まつり

On January 14th, Sendai becomes the center of a really special festival. If you walk around downtown you will start seeing people wearing “Sarashi”- similar to loincloth, biting a paper while marching around the city ringing a bell. It might sound a strange combination, plus in the middle of winter it is not the best to wonder naked around Sendai. But there is a reason. The reason comes back over 300 years of traditions of purification and wishing for a healthy year as well as profits in your job. This is the “Osaki Hachimangu Shrine’s Dontosai Festival” and it is one of the most important festivals in Sendai during winter.


In this post, you can learn about the traditions behind the festival, the meaning of the elements part of it and recommendations to enjoy it as a viewer and also as a participant of this tradition!


Sagichou in Hyogo Prefecture/兵庫県の左義長

First let’s talk about the history of this festival. It is not clear when this tradition started, but it is sure that it has over 300 years of history, going back as far as the Edo period. This part of the Japanese tradition of the “Sagicho 左義長” or “Dontoyaki どんと焼き” that are festivals of fire that happen on the “Koshogatsu 小正月- Little New Year’s Day” a smaller celebration on New Years that was popular during the Edo Period. During the “Sagichou” big wooden structures are built and lit on fire which creates the “Goshinbi 御神火- Holy fire” to communicate with the gods. Inside the “Goshinbi” people throw their New Year’s decorations such as the “Kadomatsu 門松” or “Shimenawa しめ縄”, the first written kanji of a year called “Kakizome 書き初め”, the amulets called “Shinsatsu 神札” to pray for a year without illness, stability and security for the family and rich harvest during that year.


Gojinka at Osaki Hachimangu Shrine/大崎八幡宮神社の御神火

Decorations of New Year’s Burning

At Osaki Hachimangu Shrine in Sendai, the tradition has become a festival different from the “Sagicho 左義長” being called “Matsutaki Matsuri 松焚祭”, but the name which everyone recognize it is with the nickname that is called “Dontosai どんと祭”. It is important to tell that there are many “Dontosai” festivals all around the Tohoku Region, but the main one is the one that happens at Osaki Hachimangu Shrine.


Osaki Hachimangu shrine’s Matsutaki Matsuri has a history of over 300 years, but the first recordings about this festival are around the year 1849 in a book called “Sendai Nenchu Gyoji Taii- The Sendai’s Annual Events Summary” where it is mentioned briefly that as a festival happening in recent year. Additionally, on the 1850 picture scroll “Sendai Nenchu Gyoji Emaki- Sendai’s Annual Events Picture Scroll” there are drawings of people on the “Hadaka Mairi” costume which makes it clear that is related with the festival. The name “Dontosai” started to be use around 1907 (Year 40 of the Meiji era), and during the Taisho Era the name “Dontosai” spread out because it was a popular term used in newspapers around the time.


Difference between the costume of the “Hadaka Mairi” between Men and Women/男女の裸参り衣装

The popularity of this festival is the traditional costume of the “Hadaka Mairi 裸参り” which can be translated as “Naked Pilgimage.” The participants of this pilgimage will go almost naked to this event. The dressing is composed of: a white “Hachimaki 鉢巻 – headband” and a white “Sarashi さらし – waist band and loincloth” that are rolled up around the head and body of each one of the participants, also they wear “Tabi 足袋 – white socks” and “Waraji 草鞋 straw sandals” in their feet. The participants bite a piece of paper called “Fukumi Kami 含み紙” as a way of preventing breathing in the God of the “Goshinbi.” They also hold a bell on their right hand and a “Chochin 提灯 – paper lantern” on their left hand. On the tradition behind the “Hadaka Mairi” there is also the traditional “Mizugori水垢離 – purification bath made with icy water,” but in the actual “Donto Sai” this part of the ritual can be ignored.


As this festival takes place in the middle of winter, the temperatures are really low in Sendai, with even chances of snow, so for all the participants of this festival they need to do first a health check to make sure they are in good conditions to participate. Also, women and non-Japanese that come from warm countries are allowed to wear 1 light parka so they can protect from the cold. As a mode of prevention, there are people inside the participants of the festival wearing signs that say “AED- Automated Electric Defibrillators.” They assist people that are feeling sick during the event, and in worst case scenario use the AED to save the life of the participant.


Drinking the Omiki/お神酒を飲む

For those who participate in the “Hadaka Mairi”, each procession starts from a departure point such as an office or store, and then march through downtown Sendai to Osaki Hachimangu Shrine. During the afternoon you can see different groups waving their bells and marching to the shrine all around downtown. When these processions reach to the shrine around evening, the participants first drink “Omiki お神酒 – Holy Sake” at the “Shaden 社殿 – the main building of the shrine” after the priest perform some rite for the purification of the participants. Later, they walk around the “Goshinbi” ringing their bells as the heat of the fire wraps them to fulfill the procession. Those who are not performing the “Hadaka Mairi” throw their New Year’s decorations in the fire and pray for good health and family’s safety of a year.


In Front of the Gojinka/御神火の前に

Shaden of Osaki Hachimangu Shrine During Dontosai

Since this is a really popular event, we recommend you to use a bus or a train rather than a car. When the festival reaches its peak, a lot of traffic jams occur in the area, so finding parking space can be really difficult. We recommend you to take a Sendai City bus from Sendai Station (bus stop #16) or a shuttle bus running from International Center Station to Osaki Hachimangu Shrine. There are also a shuttle bus running Izumi Chuo Station and AEON Nakayama to the shrine. Please have consideration for the participants of “Hadaka Mairi” to let them pass through the shrine first in order not to disturb the processions and rituals.


Map of the Osaki Hachimangu Shrine during Dontosai/大崎八幡宮神社のどんと祭地図

For more information about the bus schedule, traffic control and the visitor’s pathway during the festival, please visit the following link: http://www.oosaki-hachiman.or.jp/festival/matsutaki/


“Dontosai” is the fire festival of Sendai. In the long and cold nights of winter, the Sendai citizens pray to the Gods through the fire for a healthy year with stability and wealth. Burning down the decorations and proceed with purifications rites it is a way to make sure you will communicate with the gods and those wishes you have will become true during the year. So, let’s light up the winter nights and enjoy the flames of “Dontosai” festival!


Author 著者:

Gustavo N.

References 参考:














