Tohoku Tourist Information Center Networking Project 2nd On-site Study Session in Koriyama②/東北の観光案内所ネットワーク化事業 第2回研修会 in 郡山②

Ozawa will be in charge of the second post about Project 2nd On-site Study Session in Koriyama held on November 30th ,2023!  After we listened to the explanation of Koriyama Tourist Information Center and D&Department, we went to visit some of the most popular tourist spots in Koriyama City. I would like to explain three places we visited.

2023年11月30日に福島県郡山市で開催された東北の観光案内所ネットワーク化事業 第2回研修会 in 郡山レポートの2回目の投稿は小沢が担当いたします! 郡山観光案内所とD&Department についてお話を伺ったあと、私たちは郡山市内でも人気のある観光スポットへ見学に行きました。私からは3カ所をご説明いたします。

①Tour of Kashiwaya at Kaisei in Koriyama

The first place we visited was “Kashiwaya”, a Japanese confectionery shop with a long history in Koriyama. There are many famous confectioneries in Fukushima Prefecture. One of them is “Kashiwaya Usukawa Manju (steamed bun wrapped with ultra-thin skin)”. Kashiwaya is the company making and selling Usukawa Manju. Mr. Honna Ⅴ, its chairman and CEO, talked about the history of the company and its current initiatives in the shop at Kaisei in Koriyama.


This large signboard is the landmark for Kashiwaya at Kaisei.

The history of Kashiwaya goes back to 1852. At that time, sugar was very expensive, so buns made with less red bean paste (red bean paste is made with much sugar) wrapped in thicker skin were the mainstream. But during that time, the founder of Kashiwaya, Mr. Honna I., made the bun with plenty of red bean paste wrapped in thin skin in Koriyama. After that, for more than 170 years, Kashiwaya has continued to make thin-skinned buns. Now, with Shihose Manju in Tokyo and Ohtemanju in Okayama, Kashiwaya Usukawa Manju has become one of the three major sweet buns in Japan. It has a gentle taste that makes you feel relieved when you eat it. I love it! I strongly recommend you eat fresh-prepared Usukawa Manju. It is so delicious!

柏屋の歴史は嘉永五年(1852年)までさかのぼります。その当時、砂糖がとても貴重でしたので、砂糖をたくさんつかって作る「あんこ」が少なく、皮が厚いお饅頭が主流でした。そんな中、柏屋初代本名 善兵衛は奥州街道・郡山宿であんこがたっぷりで皮の薄いお饅頭を考案しました。それが当時大人気となりました。それから170年以上、柏屋さんでは薄皮饅頭を作り続け、今では東京の志ほせ饅頭、岡山の大手まんぢゅうとともに柏屋の薄皮饅頭は日本三大饅頭のひとつとなりました。食べるとほっとする優しい味で、食べる人みなさんの心も優しくまるくしてくれます。私も大好きです! 私のおすすめは店頭でたべるできたてのお饅頭です。とっても美味しいですよ。

Kashiwaya is engaging in various activities in addition to making buns and sweets. One of these activities is “Asa Cha Kai” (morning tea gathering) which started in 1974, serving Japanese tea and buns for free (started in 1974). Another event is “Kaisei Marche” that started in 2015 with the wish to support local vegetable producers. Also, Kashiwaya has been publishing a children’s poetry collection since 1958. These activities strengthen the bonds between the local people and their community. Kashiwaya’s legacy, which started with the desire such as to deliver delicious buns to its customers, has been passed on from generation to generation, and I felt that this legacy reached all of us in an authentic form.


The oak, which has given Kashiwaya its name, never sheds its old leaves until new leaves are sprouting. It implies that the spirit of the company should endure throughout the generations. Mr. Honna also taught us the phrase “from generation to generation”. This is one of almost 200 family rules, which have been passed on by the Honna family, which has led the business of Kashiwaya since the very beginning. It means that each generation should act in the spirit of the founding generation and make offers which are pleasing to the customers.


In the same place at Kashiwaya at Kaisei in Koriyama, there is a shrine called “Manju-Jinja” that is known as the god of sweets, marriage and love. As well as Manju-Jinja Shrine, there is “Gankake Manju Ishi (a manju-shaped stone for wishing)”. They are very famous as spiritual places.


Manju- Jinja Shrine. The autumn leaves were at their best and very beautiful.

This stone is natural, unprocessed stone! This stone has become popular since it looks like the stone that Tanjiro Kamado, the main character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, cut during his training!
このとても大きな丸い形は実は天然石なのです! 話題の人気漫画「鬼滅の刃」の竈門炭治郎が訓練の際に切った石にそっくりだと話題になり、たくさんの子供たちが訪れるそうです。

◆Location: 1-13-5 Aasahi ,Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
◆Opening Hours: 9:00 am  –  7:00 pm
◆Phone: 024-922-5533


②Best Table での昼食会
Lunch time at Best Table

After tour of Kashiwaya at Kaisei in Koriyama, it was lunch time! We went to have lunch at “Best Table” where we had the opportunity for further exchange with the other participants and colleagues.

開成柏屋さんの見学のあとは、お楽しみのランチタイムです! 今回は開成柏屋さんのすぐ隣にあるレストラン「Best Table」で昼食をとりながら、他の参加者の方々と交流を深めました。

Best Table is the café-bar opened on May 2018, Despite the fact that it is about 10 minutes by bus from Koriyama Station in the city center, it is located surprisingly quiet spot surrounded by greenery. This café-bar’s trademark feature is the use of locally produced vegetables for its cuisine. Together with the ingenuity of Best Table’s staff, this provides for a diverse, healthy, fresh and most importantly, very tasty experience.

Best Tableは2018年5月にオープンしたカフェバルです。郡山駅からバスで約10分という市内中心部にもかかわらず、緑に囲まれたとても静かでとても雰囲気のよいところに位置しています。地元郡山の野菜をはじめとする厳選食材をふんだんに使ったお料理が自慢のお店です。Best Tableのみなさんは多彩で、ヘルシーで新鮮な、なによりとっても美味しいお料理を提供しています。

The open deck, where we had lunch, is a special feature of Best Table. Facing the interior of Kashiwaya at Kaisei, the open deck is protected against any traffic noise. Our conversations were only accompanied by the calming soundscape of nature, providing foe a very relaxing atmosphere. In addition, while protected against winds and rain, the open deck is still letting in all the natural right. Therefore, the sunlight in combination with the leaves of the surrounding trees is coloring the interior of the open deck, and it makes different atmosphere each season. In our case, the gentle sunlight of late autumn together with the orange and red leaves gave the location a warm and cozy touch.

私たちは、オープンデッキで昼食をとりました。オープンデッキもBest Tableの特徴の一つです。大通りから少し入った開成柏屋さんの内側にありますので、車の音も気になりません。私たちの会話は自然の中の落ち着いた音ととてもリラックスした雰囲気に包まれました。オープンデッキは雨風をよけながらもたくさんの明るい太陽の光が差し込みます。木漏れ日とお店の周りの木々の葉がオープンデッキを彩り、季節ごとに異なる雰囲気を作り出しています。私たちが訪れた日は、晩秋のやわらかな日差しと紅葉のオレンジや赤の葉が、暖かさと心地よさを私たちに与えてくれました。

The food was of course delicious and very satisfying! We were able to recharge our energy for the next excursion.

お料理はもちろんとてもおいしくて大満足でした! 私たちはここで元気をチャージし、また次の見学場所へと向かいました。

We all enjoyed wounderful dishes!

◆Location:1-14-1 Asahi, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
◆Opening Hours: Lunch 11:00 am – 2:30 pm(last order 2:00 pm)
 Dinner 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm (last order 9:00 pm)
◆Closed: Tuesdays
◆Phone: 024-983-3129

◆営業時間:ランチ 午前11:00~午後2:30(L.O. 午後2:00)
      ディナー 午後5:30~午後9:30(L.O. 午後9:00)

Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine

After having lunch, we then headed to Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine which has a long history in Koriyama. We listened to its history from Hitoshi Miyamoto, who is the local Shinto Priest.


The haiden (the worship hall) was constructed in 1991.

Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine was founded in 1876, and contains a wish for peace of mind for the people involved in the development of the Asaka area. The Shrine was given a portion of divine spirit of Ise Jingu, and the three deities, Amaterasu Ōmikami, Toyouke Ōmikami, and Kamuyama Toiware Bikonomikoto are worshiped.


Since then, people call this shrine “the Oise-sama of Tohoku” and visit there for Hatsumoude (the first visit to a shrine in new year), cherry blossom festival, and more. For people living in Koriyama, the Shrine is familiar, feeling like their second hometown. Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine has been will be watching over Koriyama for a long time.


After listening to the talk by the Shinto priest Hitoshi Miyamoto, we explored the worship hall and the precincts of the shrine.


The inside of the main hall has a magnificent atmosphere.

Some pretty figures were displayed on the chozuya (holy fountain).

And this time, thanks to the kindness of the Shinto priest, we were able to visit the treasure hall, which is usually closed! This treasure hall is open to public on new-year’s-day and its festivals.

なんと今回は神職さんのご厚意で、通常は見ることができない宝物殿を特別に見学させていただきました! 宝物殿は元旦やお祭りの際に一般公開しているそうです。

i-SENDAI staff got a wonderful opportunity to hold a Japanese sword.

In Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine’s treasure hall, there were a lot of treasures like Japanese swords, flower vases, bows and arrows passed down from generation to generation.

◆Location: 3-1-38 Kaisei,Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
◆Phone: 024-932-1521(9:00 am – 4:00 pm)


In the vicinity of Kashiwaya and Kaiseizan Dai Jingu lies the Kaiseizan Park. There, the “Lucky Park in Koriyama” was opened last year (In Japan, the Pokemon “Chansey” is called “Lucky”). Chansey is the support Pokemon of Fukushima Prefecture. We were able to see a little bit of it during the bus ride. This park is very popular among children, so stop by if you have the chance!

この柏屋さんや開成山大神宮のある開成山エリアは開成山公園があります。開成山公園「ラッキー公園 in こおりやまし」が昨年オープンしました。ラッキーは福島県の応援ポケモンです。私たちもバスの車窓から少しだけ見ることができました。子供たちに人気ですので、ぜひ、開成山エリアを訪れた際には足をお運びください!
