Tohoku Tourist Information Center Networking Project 2nd On-site Study Session in Koriyama③/東北の観光案内所ネットワーク化事業 第2回研修会 in 郡山③

On November 30, 2023, the 2nd study session for the Tohoku Tourist Information Center Networking Project was held in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. Three staff members from the SENDAI Tourist Information Desk participated in the session. We’d like to post a report of our experience on our blog in three individual sections

2023年11月30日に東北の観光案内所ネットワーク化事業 第2回研修会福島県の郡山市で開催されました。仙台ツーリストインフォメーションデスクからスタッフ3名が研修に参加しました。その時の様子を3回にわたってお届けします。

This is the final section of our report. I’m Tanino from the SENDAI Tourist Information Desk. At the end of the tour, we visited Asaka Distillery. There are 66 sake breweries in Fukushima Prefecture, which is known for its rice production. Asaka Distillery is a craft whisky distillery operated by Sasanokawa Sake Brewery, a Japanese sake brewery which was founded in 1765. Sasanokawa Sake Brewery obtained a license to make whisky in 1945. The Asaka Distillery is the oldest distillery in the Tohoku region, and older than the Nikka Whisky Miyagikyo Distillery in Sendai. The Sasanokawa Sake Brewery used to be  called the Yamazakura Brewery in the past.


In the 1990s, the whisky industry faced hard times, but it made a comeback around 2010. It is a well-known story among whisky lovers that there is a deep relationship between the Asaka Distillery and the Chichibu Distillery which produces Ichiro’s Malt, which is currently attracting attention from all over the world. When Toa Brewery, a whisky maker, closed down during a period of bad fortune, the Sasanokawa Brewery took possession of the unblended whisky that was to be disposed of, and over time the unblended whisky was sold as Ichiro’s Malt. After that, the Toa Brewery was revived as the Chichibu Distillery, and now Ichiro’s Malt has become world-famous. Apparently, the cask used to hold the unprocessed whisky still remains in the Asaka Distillery’s aging warehouse as a souvenir. Japanese whisky is now attracting attention from all over the world, and the number of craft whisky distilleries is increasing all over Japan. Asaka Distillery also stopped whisky production during the difficult period of the 1990s, but they introduced pot stills in 2015 and restarted whisky production. Furthermore, Asaka Distillery’s “Yamazakura Blended Malt Japanese Whisky Sherry Wood Reserve Asaka” was recognized with an award at the World Whisky Awards 2022.

その後、1990年代頃ウイスキー業界は苦境に立たされましたが、2010年頃ウイスキーブームが到来します。ウイスキー好きな方には有名な話ですが、今世界中から注目されているイチローズモルトの秩父蒸留所と安積蒸留所は深い関係があります。ウイスキー不遇の時代にウイスキーメーカーの東亜が閉鎖された際、廃棄処分されることになった原酒を笹の川酒造が預り、その原酒は時を経てイチローズモルトとして販売されました。その後、秩父蒸留所として復活をとげ、今ではイチローズモルトは世界的に有名になっています。原酒を預かった時に使用した樽が記念として安積蒸留所の貯蔵庫に今もひとつ残っているそうです。現在では“ジャパニーズ・ウイスキー”は世界中から注目を浴び、日本各地でクラフトウイスキー蒸留所は増加の一途をたどっています。安積蒸留所も苦境の間はウイスキーの生産を中断していましたが、2015年にポットスチルを導入しウイスキー製造を再開しました。そして、ワールド・ウイスキー・アワード 2022 で安積蒸留所の『山桜 ブレンデッドモルト ジャパニーズウイスキー シェリーウッド リザーブ 安積』が受賞しています。

President Yamaguchi showed us around the distillery and told us how whisky is made.

① Malt crushing
Malted barley imported from Scotland is crushed using a roller. The crushed malt is divided into three grain sizes using filters with different mesh sizes. It seems that the ratio of husk, grits, and flour should be 2:7:1, starting from the coarsest grind.


② Saccharification
Crushed malt and hot water are added to a saccharification tank called a mash tun and stirred for about 30 minutes, converting the starch into sweet wort. Previously, malt residue was discarded after saccharification, but now it is being used as feed for cattle raised here in Koriyama City.


③ Fermentation
Yeast is added to the wort and fermented for about 100 hours in a wooden fermentation tank called a washback. Inside the barrel, carbon dioxide gas is generated and alcohol is produced. By using barrels made from American Douglas fir trees for the fermentation barrels, it is possible to create a deeper wash, known as moromi in Japanese, which is the low-alcohol liquid made from fermenting wort.


④ Distillation
The moromi is distilled in a copper distillation kiln called a pot still. The two pot stills used at this distilery were manufactured by Miyake  Industries Co., Ltd. Through a process of double distillation, the alcohol content is increased.


⑤Storeage & Maturation
Whisky is clear before being put into casks, but as it ages in casks for more than three years, it turns amber. By using casks made from a variety of materials, including repurposed bourbon and sherry casks, Quercus oak and cherry wood casks, the individuality of the whisky is created.


Asaka Distillery is also known as the “Distillery of Wind”. Koriyama City is known for its strong winds called Bandai Oroshi, which blow down from Mt. Bandai. It is said that the large temperature difference in the climate enables the whisky to age further and become more delicious. Have you ever heard of the term “angel’s share”? When you enter the aging warehouse, you immediately notice the scent of whisky. During the maturation process, the amount of whisky in the casks actually decreases by about 3 to 5% per year due to evaporation. The term “angel’s share” refers to this decrease, implying that angels who help make whisky drink this small percentage.

安積蒸留所の別名が「風の蒸留所」。郡山は磐梯颪(おろし)と呼ばれる磐梯山からの吹き下ろす風が強いことで知られています。その寒暖差の大きな気候で、より熟成が進みウイスキーが美味しくなると言われています。「天使のわけまえ」という言葉をご存じですか? 熟成庫に入るとウイスキーの香りを感じます。熟成期間中には蒸散により年間で3~5%程度の量が減るそうです。「天使のわけまえ」という言葉には、ウイスキーづくりを手伝う天使が飲んでいる意味があるそうです。

Conventionally, a master blender decides on the taste of the whisky in distilleries, but there is no master blender at Asaka Distillery. The workers themseves share their opinions and decide the taste, similar to the method used in sake breweries when they choose sake for tasting competitions.


After the factory tour, it was time for tasting. We tried two types of whisky and two types of Japanese sake at the shop adjacent to the office. You can purchase not only whisky, but also Japanese sake, shochu and more at the shop. During our visit, chocolate made with the whisky was also on sale there. This product was a collaboration of the distillery and a confectionery company.


Lastly, we entered their VIP room which is currently under construction. There, guests are able to enjoy tasting of their delicious their whisky while viewing the two pot stills from the VIP room. If you are a whisky lover, please come and visit the Asaka Distillery. A reservation is required for the factory tour.


Speaking of Koriyama, where the Asaka Distillery is located, it’s best not to forget the history of the Asaka Canal. The Asaka Plain, where the distillery is located, historically was a land lacking in water. The Kaiseisha Company was established in 1879 to dig a tunnel from Lake Inawashiro to create a waterway to draw water from the lake to the Asaka Plain in order to solve the issue of the lack of water. One of the 25 marchants who founded the Kaiseisha Company was a great-grandfather of the current president of Sasanokawa Sake Brewery. If you have the chance to enjoy this delicious whisky, please saivor it while keeping in mind that we are now able to enjoy delicious whisky thanks to the painstaking efforts of those who have come before us.


◆Location: 1-178 Sasagawa, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture
◆Access: 15 minute- walk from “Asaka Nagamori Station” on JR Tohoku Line
◆Phone: 024-945-0261 (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)
◆Factory tour: Wednesdays from 2:00 pm (excluding holidays) Tours are suspended in December due to the busy season
Capacity: Up to 5 people per group
Duration: 40 to 60 minutes
Fee: Free
How to booking : by phone or via the form on their website. A reservation is required at least 3 days in advance.

◆工場見学:水曜日 午後2:00~(祝日を除く)※12月は繁忙期のため見学は休止
定員 1グループ5名様まで
料金 無料
申込方法 電話またはお問い合わせフォームから。3日前までの事前予約。

Did you enjoy our reports on the tour held in Koriyama City? Actually, I lived in Koriyama City for four years in the past, but during this tour I was able to learn a lot of things that I hadn’t known about Koriyama and some new charming aspects of Koriyama. Koiriyama City is the gateway to Fukushima Prefecture and has many attractive tourist spots. If you’re planning to travel to Fukushima Prefecture, please stop by the Koriyama Information Center to get useful information and make wonderful memories in Koriyama City.

3回にわたり、東北の観光案内所ネットワーク化事業 第2回研修会の模様をレポートしてきましたが、楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか? 筆者は以前4年ほど、郡山市に住んでいたことがあります。しかし、今回の研修では住んでいたことがあるにもかかわらず知らなかったことや新しい郡山の魅力など、多くの気づきがありました。福島県の玄関口にでもある郡山市には魅力的なスポットがたくさんあります。ぜひ、最初にこおりやま観光案内所に立ち寄って、情報を収集してから、いろいろなスポットを巡って素敵な思い出をつくっていただけたらうれしいです。
