Unwinding holidays in the Urato islands Part 1~浦戸の島でゆったりした休日を 前編

Do you want to have a relaxing time in a remoted island? Unbelievably, there are such places near Sendai. They are the Urato islands on Matsushima bay belong to Shiogama city. The four big islands are main places to see; Katsura-shima, Nono-shima, Sabusawa-jima and Hou-jima. Away from our hectic life, the gate way to islands is waiting for you, with just 30 minutes train ride from Sendai.

都会から離れた島でゆっくりした時間を過ごしたいと思いませんか? 驚くことに仙台の近くにそんな場所があります。塩竈市の松島湾に浮かぶ浦戸諸島です。主要な見どころの島は桂島、野々島、寒風沢島そして朴島です。忙しい生活から離れて仙台都心からたった30分の電車の旅で島への玄関口が待っています。

I visited there two years ago. To the Urato islands, Shiogama City Ferry operates the boat every day. First, I bought a ferry ticket to Hou-jima, the farthest island, at Shiogama Marine Gate ferry terminal.


From Marine Gate, City Ferry Terminal
The ferry connects between the four main island.

After forty-five minutes, the boat arrived at Ho-jima island. I visited here in May, “nanohana” (canola flower) season. Going up from a small shrine, you can see a yellow flower carpet covering the ground with a thick forest. It’s a dream world! Planting nanohana is for getting seeds of “Sendai hakusai”, a kind of Chinese cabbage. Seedling production in a remoted island is to avoid crossing to other plants. The islanders take care of nanohana by removing seeds patiently, so we visitors should not touch the flowers or stamp on the field to stroll around. On the way to the port, I found a beehive set on the trail.


Nanohana patch

There are eight round-trip service of the ferry. And there is another service connecting the Hou-jima to Sabusawa-jima and Nono-shima, Nono-shima to Ishihama (Katurashima) by free boat. When you use the free boat, you need to book it in advance by calling the number written in the pier or on the map. In the peak season, you must wait for it about 10 minutes. At that time, I took the boat with other tourists.


The free boat comes by phone calling.

Soon the boat arrived at Sabusawa-jima island. Sabusawa-jima is the largest island of four, and it has many episodes since old times. First, Sabusawa is a birth place of “Tudayu”, a fisherman tripped around the world as a first Japanese. Second, Japan’s first Western-style military ship was built here by the order of Date domain. In addition, a port of Sabusawa was a shipping rice to the capital, Edo (Tokyo) during the Edo period (the year from 1603 to 1868). Sabusawa was prosperous island. On the top of the hill of the island, “Hiyori-yama”, there is a stone compass of twelve animals of Chinese zodiac. People used to watch the sky and boats coming to Urato by the stone compass. On the opposite site of the compass, you can see a unique Jizo statue tied up a rope. Jizo is usually depicted as a Buddhist monk, saving people from their agonies, sometimes is known as a “guardian of children”. Jizo with a rope in Sabusawa is called “Shibari-Jizo” and it has a legend. Prostitutes in the island prayed for the Jizo and tied with a rope for their lovers not to leave them. When the wind blew strong on the ocean and the lovers couldn’t sail the boat, the prostitutes loosened the rope. There are other unique Jizo statues in the island, such as “Kesho (make-up) Jizo”, *Roku Jizo and so on.

*Roku(six) Jizo: In Buddhist, there are six paths of rebirth. There is a belief that six each Jizo saves on six each path.

間もなく渡し船は寒風沢島に着きました。寒風沢島は主要四島では最も大きな島で古くから多くのいわれがある所です。まず、寒風沢は日本人で初めて世界一周をした漁師、「津太夫」の生まれ故郷であること、次に日本初の西洋式軍艦が伊達藩の命によりここで作られたことです。加えて、寒風沢の港は江戸向けの米の積出し港でした。当時の寒風沢は繁栄していたのです。島の小高い「日和山」の上には十二支方位石があり、天体観測や港を出入りする船を見るのに使われました。方位石の反対側にはユニークな縄で縛られたお地蔵さまがいます。お地蔵さまは僧侶の姿をして人々を苦しみから救い、時には「子供の守り神」として知られています。寒風沢の縄で縛られたお地蔵さまは「縛り地蔵」と呼ばれ、ある伝説があります。島の遊女たちが男たちの船出を止めるため、お地蔵様を縄で縛って祈願しました。海が荒れると男たちは船を出せなくなり、女たちはお地蔵様の縄を緩めました。他にもユニークなお地蔵さまが島で見ることができます。たとえば、化粧地蔵や、六地蔵などです。 *六地蔵:仏教の教えで生き物は六度生まれ変わるとあり、それぞれ6種類の世界で人々を救うために6種類の地蔵が存在するという思想。

An old compass stone

~To be continued to “Unwinding holidays in the Urato islands Part 2”~

~浦戸の島でゆったりした休日を 後編へ続く~

On the website of Urato islands, there are some etiquette on Urato visiting.

1. Please respect Urato island residents’ lives and culture.

2.When you walk on the island, do not step on private lands from the sidewalk, especially, the area with ropes or fences.

3.Please bring back your garbage with yourself. Urato islands has poor refuse disposal.

4.When you smoke a cigarette, use a smoking space.

5.Do not catch the islands animals and plants and do not bring animals and plants from outside the island.

6.Please watch out for vehicles when you walk.

7.Do not catch fish or shells on the islands.

8.Camping or campfire is prohibited on the islands.










Enjoy the Urato islands keeping rules above.



*About Urato islands (English):


*Urato island hopping map 1 (English):

*Urato island hopping map 2 (Englih):

*Shiogama city ferry Time table (English):







*Each map is available at a ferry terminal, “Marine Gate”, or “Shionabi plaza”, Shiogama Tourist Information Center inside JR Hon-Shiogama tation.


*Let’s adapt to the new normal and enjoy Urato!

